February 26, 2006
Brokeback Mountains
2 men stuck in the mountains together
Stranded with nothing else But Sheeps and the mountains and the greenery
Grew attached to each other
Fell in love?
That's their secret, their secret rendevous
Something no one ever knew about
They lead separate lives, get marrried,
Have kids,
Every now and then meet at Brokeback Mountains for their secret rendevous.
As u know I've been stuck to my assignments since the past 2 weeks, so i thought if I can get my 2 tasks in the assignment, I shall go catch a movie..
Went ahead to watch Brokeback Mountains, a heart-felt story,
althou the actions may gross u out at times, but if u feel for them, U'll understand, they didnt choose to be like that.
We just have to embrace the fact that the world has changed and our mindsets have to be widened..
posted @ 12:28 AM
February 23, 2006
Yesterday, my dearest R and J decided to be Piccassos
So they drew murals on the dining floor using crayons.
With it's detailed and colourful strokes..
Which teacher wouldn't be impressed at the creative experience her students had.. But not when I had 2 spent nearly 1 hr and an half during lunch time just to scrub the damn thing off with the help of my partner teacher...
Today, miss T had 4 urinary accidents..
Not only she peed anywhere but the toilet bowl..
She does this everyday Ok??
The mom insisted that she was well toilet-trained at home though..Sighhh
The 4th accident, she left me with her soiled panties and a round choco ball in it.. Teachers are all capable multi taskers...
I shall now enjoy my lunch peacefully while they nap..
Hopefully my art lesson will make up for the Horrible morning..
We're gonna make elephant hand puppets in conjunction with the letter 'e'.
posted @ 2:10 PM
February 18, 2006
Red explains the blush on my cheeks today....
Due to the lack of sleep the past few days, was extremely exhausted and sleepy today..SO I thought why not i just take 106 as the bus stop was nearer to my centre..Besides the Sun was it's peak then...So within 5 mins, the bus arrived n I got a comfortable seat by the window..Then my eyes start to droop, slowly I drifted into Lala Land...Had my peaceful rest till the bus suddenly jerked, I woke up to find my head was resting on this Abang's shoulder..OH MY GOd!!! My cheeeks flushed & as I apologised and rang the bell and dropped down at the very next bus-stop. His grin made me feel even more embarrased, macam happy lak si abang nie that a girl fell asleep on his shoulders..even said bye2 to me b4 i alighted..
While I was waiting for the next bus, i thought.. Did I snore or did I sleep with my mouth open?? Goshhhh...
It's a rest day from me today..Paid my dues 4 my eyes n had my rest..Told myself to free myself from anything related to my practicum today..To give myself a break...
Alhamdullilah, my practicum supervision went on fine..Althou not as perfect I wanted it to be..Just need to ace my practicum journal which will be due on 1st March..Then I have completed my Diploma in Pre-School Teaching....Phewww
Hopefully iman can make it for the swim tommorow..been a while since i swam and popped by the jacuzzi pool..The water jets would be a therapheutic effect on my sore and aching back muscles, n yeah having those tensed shoulder blades alsoo.....
posted @ 11:15 PM
February 17, 2006
Finaally, it'd be my practicum supervision later at 945am..
Slept only for 2 hrs to get the last min preparations done for the last hurdle of my Diploma..
Lethargic and body all tired but I just hope my sleepless nites since last wk and hard effort will pay off!!
Do hope everything flows smoothly especially 1 of my girls celebrating her birthday in the morning at 9am.. Hope she won't cry too much when her parents leave after the celebration..
Soo anxious about the outcome of the exam, yet excited..Gonna be a long day fer me, having that recreational club meeting again at 5pm but this time at my centre.. :P
U wouldn't wanna know what happened to me after I travelled down to charlton lane in hougang last friday!!
taking a deep breath, shall run along and have my shower now...Phewwww
posted @ 7:14 AM
February 11, 2006
That ThOught that has been lingering sub-conciously in my mind..
Was that a sin?
Was that just my thoughts or just my mind playing games on me?
I don't wish to burden anyone with that tHought in my mind now..
Thank you U for making my heart feels warmer!!
posted @ 4:03 PM
February 6, 2006
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And---which is more---you have succeeded it aLL..
posted @ 9:44 PM
After the weekend of slumber and rest, I have recovered well..Alhamdullilah
Still having a slight cough thou..
As of from today 6th Feb- 22nd Feb will be my practicum attachment for my DPT..
The final "exam" before I can finally receive my Certification of Completion of the course & of course the Diploma itself, heard my graduation will only be held in October '06..
A lot of tasks needs to be settled, Will definitely do my BesT!!
posted @ 9:17 PM
February 3, 2006
No cold drinks, no heaty food(which includes chocs),
soupy meals for the rest of the week,
Sleep, wake up,take medicine, sleep again
with no books or magazines to read
i was restless and still am...
Althou falling sick or having all those high temperature fevers wasn't something new to me as that normally occurs due to my tonsil infection..But the thought that I might develop asthma if my condition worsen was SCaRy...Been coughing real badly the past 3 days, till my heart and stomach hurts,having an aftertaste of blood in my throat.dry cough..Fever shot up yesterday, can't even stand up,threw up a couple of times..
Doctor said that it seems that my phlegm has seeped into my lungs & causing me to have breathing difficulties & that I was wheezing..
If it worsen, there are chances of me developing asthma..
Let's just hope that it's due to my flu & cough & it's nothing else..
Till then i will be a good girl & eat all the 6 different medicine
daily without fail.. *promise*
posted @ 12:55 PM