September 20, 2006
Solitude was my saviour,
But ugly birds who flew by my bedside,
chirping incesstantly tarnished it all,
To feel me, to judge me,
Was what what we Humans are just capable of?
Empathy, compassion?
But greed and self-fishness overcomes you,
Struggling like a drunkard to walk on a straight line,
Your filthy hands shoving and pushing,
Till I fell in a gallow.
posted @ 1:47 PM
September 8, 2006
19 hours to go
I'm off to Chiangmai/Chiangrai
posted @ 9:02 PM
Poignance and agony were my best friend yesterday,
Strapped to the seat & motionless,
Dejavu was what it was,
How I wish fairytales exists,
How I wish we can turn back time,
How i wish I was a Doctor with healing hands,
So i could it make it all be Wrong or just a scary nightmare.
I wish.
But that was not what God planned for me or us,
Everything He takes away from us,
He will replace with something way better,
Every obstacle He gives us,
There's a silver lining behind the dark clouds,
Cos he is fair.
every laughter,
there's tears,
every success,
there's failures,
every joy,
there's pain,
every struggle,
there's triumph.
As I sat at the chair,
Heart heaving hard,
Hopes dashed,
I clinged tightly to my faith,
Cos that's my only Hope.
posted @ 9:34 AM
September 6, 2006
Is this a winter suicide?
Sharp blizzards stungs my skin,
Like alcohol being splashed on a deep fresh wound,
I grit my teeth so hard till my lips bled to withstand the pain,
Till I felt numb and lifeless.
Cold, weary,
Oblivion of which direction to go,
Should I be heading to the right or to the left?
Torrents of snow clouds obscures my path.
As my teeth's chatter a silly tune,
And my skin turns blue,
I wonder,
Will I get through this haphazard?
posted @ 10:12 PM
September 4, 2006
Dedicated to all Teachers
T is for the lessons U taught me
E is for the acts of endearment U do just to guide me when I'm lost
A signifies the actions U'd take to get me back on the passing marks
C is the care & concern U show me even how I never fail to make u irritated
H is the happiness U have shared with me
E is for the exuberance and excitement to make our learning interesting
R is for being the reason I never gave up on learning.
A happy Belated Teacher's Day to all..
For teaching children lessons,
to help them as they grow,
Let this poem remind U,
U're all the BEST teachers I know.
posted @ 9:35 PM
September 2, 2006
I happened to have a glimpse of the results for the Singapore IDOL 2 this week..My oh my..I agreed with what Ken said, U need "substance" to be a SingerNo pun intended, but this Idol mania is becoming a fanclub manifestation rather than to unearth the "talent" in Singapore..It's all about who has the more votes or has a bigger fanclub!Mathilda would have shone out among the rest if she was given a chance to still be present during the R&B and Soul categry.That's my 2 cents thoughtsthen again look at all those teenage gals crying cos their Idol was booted out..they cried as if they lost a family,as if the world has end?*gals, I know it's hard 2 accept ur Idol being out of the competition But there are simply worser things that's been happening around u, around the globe that u should spare a thought or at least give a worthy tear about! Check this video out: the recent issue about Lebanon & Israel >> by George Galloway
posted @ 5:12 PM